Essential Oils: Aroma distillers
Which still do we recommend? For small amounts of hydrosols and essential oils, the Alquitara (and Plus models), Column Stills, Arabias and Easy Moonshine stills are most helpful and we also distill regularly with them at our aroma bar in Germany.
In order to obtain larger amounts of essential oil, the size of the still boiler is important and has to be chosen wisely.
For rose blossoms, a regular Alembic is best, as the blossoms are directly distilled from the water and would otherwise clog the still if steam distillation was performed. If you would like to use both, water distillation and steam distillation, the column still is your best option and the most versatile still type.
Have a look and browse through our categories. For more information, feel free to contact us directly.
Important information:
Distillation is strictly regulated or even forbidden in some countries. Please inform yourself and pay attention to the regulations in your country. We can ship worldwide, but we cannot check if you are allowed to own a still. Shipping within the EU is completely unrestricted. For shipping to countries outside the EU, we have to affix the invoice and shipping list to the outside of the package. Up to now, we have never had problems with the importation of our stills into other countries.
Essential Oils: Aroma distillers
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" 2 Liter Table Still ARABIA | Spirit Burner & Aroma Sieve
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" Table-top Still Arabia, 2L electric
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" Table-top Still Arabia, 2L electric with accessory set
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" Alquitara Distiller 2 Liters | With Aroma Sieves
Currently out of stock, reordered"CopperGarden®" Column Still 2 litres "essence plus" SET with water pump & hotplate
Currently out of stock, reordered"CopperGarden®" 2 Liter Column Still ESSENCE + Thermometer
Currently out of stock, reordered"CopperGarden®" EASY MOONSHINE Still XL 3 Liters | with Thermometer
Currently out of stock, reordered"CopperGarden®" 2 Liter Column Still | ESSENCE
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" copper still "essence" - column still 3 L
Currently out of stock, reorderedCopperGarden® Table-top still Arabia 0.5 L & Water pump accessory set
Currently out of stock, reordered"CopperGarden®" Arabia 0.5L still : steam distillation apparatus
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" column still 2 litres with "Al-Ambik®" thermometer
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" still 2L Alembic with spirit lamp
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden" still Alembic 2L electric
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden® Table-top Still Alembic 2 litres with accessory set
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" “ Easy Moonshine” distilling apparatus 2 L XL
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" 2 L XL "Easy Moonshine” distilling apparatus with thermometer
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" “ 2 L XL "Easy Moonshine” distilling apparatus in a set
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" 0.5-litre capacity column still
Currently out of stock, reorderedCopperGarden®" Distillery Leonardo 2 Liters | by Helge Schmickl
Currently out of stock, reordered"CopperGarden®" Distillery Leonardo 2 Liters | Stress-free Package with all accessories.
Currently out of stock, reordered"CopperGarden" alembic still 3L – riveted
Currently out of stock, reordered"CopperGarden" Alembic 5L, welded
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" 10 Liter ALEMBIC Still | Welded
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" 0.5 Liter Distillery with Column ESSENCE | Worry-free Package with all Accessories
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden" alembic still 20L, welded
Currently out of stock, reordered"CopperGarden" alembic still 30L, welded
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden" Alembic 150L, welded
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" Alembic 200 L professional, welded
Currently out of stock, reordered"CopperGarden®" Alembic 250L, soldered
Currently out of stock, reorderedNEW: „CopperGarden®" LEONARDO® Classic 3 Litres ❁ Helge Schmickl
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" still - column still 3 L
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" 20 Liter Column Still
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" 10 Liter ALQUITARA "Plus" Still | With column & Liebig condenser
Currently out of stock, reordered"CopperGarden®" still - column still 5 liters
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" still - column still 10 liters
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" 20 Liter ALQUITARA "Plus" Still | With column & Liebig condenser
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" Tabletop Still ITALIA 2 Liters | With spirit burner
Currently out of stock, reordered"CopperGarden®" still - column still 30 liters
Immediate delivery from warehouseCopperGarden®" column still 50L with thermometer
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" 2L Whiskey distillation apparatus
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" Arabia 25 liters
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" still Arabia 35 liters
Currently out of stock, reordered"CopperGarden®" still Arabia 150L
Manufactured for you after receipt of order"CopperGarden®" Alembic 500 Liters soldered
Manufactured for you after receipt of order"CopperGarden®" Alembic 600 litres, welded
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" 3 Liter ALQUITARA Distiller | With 3 Aroma Sieves
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" 5 Liter ALQUITARA Still | with 3 Aroma Sieves
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" alquitara still 10 liters for essential oils
Immediate delivery from warehouseCopperGarden: still Alquitara 25L (essential oils)
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" alquitara still 50 liters for essential oils
Manufactured for you after receipt of order"CopperGarden®" still Alquitara 75 liters for essential oils
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" still - column still 2 L
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" alquitara still 100 liters for essential oils
Currently out of stock, reordered"CopperGarden®" Alquitara still 150 liters for essential oils
Currently out of stock, reordered"CopperGarden®" Alquitara 200 L for essential oils
Currently out of stock, reordered"CopperGarden®" still - column still 100 liters
Currently out of stock, reordered"CopperGarden®" still - column still 150 liters
Currently out of stock, reordered"CopperGarden®" Alquitara still 250 liters for essential oils
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" column still 200L & thermometer
Manufactured for you after receipt of order"CopperGarden®" still - column still 250 liters
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" still - column still 300 liters
Immediate delivery from warehouseCopperGarden® Table-top still Alembic 0.5 L & Water pump accessory set
Currently out of stock, reordered"CopperGarden®" Alembic Still | 2 Liters
Immediate delivery from warehouse"CopperGarden®" decorative still with column, 100 liters
Currently out of stock, reordered"CopperGarden®" still alembic 100 liters welded
Currently out of stock, reordered"CopperGarden®" still Alembic 2L & thermometer
Immediate delivery from warehouseCopperGarden® Alquitara "Plus" 3 L- for essential oils